2013年6月20日 星期四

Frozen Beer?

And so, due the facebook post from our very nice regular customer, I can't resist to go and have this new Kirin beer with frozen foam topping after work. It is a very good start to enjoy a very early " Happy Friday" AKA " Fxxking busy Friday" for restaurant people.

It is  nice? Um, first of all, I need to mentioned that  I didn't follow the instruction, like I always did. Suppose the foam can keep the drink cold for about 30 mins, but I am in a hurry, like I always did. I finished the drink within 5 mins, which is slow compare with some sake bar owner in LKF. Noticed that I use the word "Drink". As, it is like a beer drink then beer. It is like you buy a bloody paper carton Mango juice DRINK. The beautiful things of beer to me is the foam. It is like when you drink a cappuccino, if you don't drink the foam, why don't you order a bloody flat white? Or, when you order a sake stewed pork belly, you left all the fat, why don't you order a roast pork loin? ( Notice: some sake bar in LKF may not serve pork loin)

The whole thing is like a beer with a beer smoothies on top. If you are not drinker, it is like a cup of espresso and add some milk flavor ice-cream on top. It is not a bad thing I need to say. It keep the drinks cold and every single sip, I can feel the foam ( and some ice crystal).  To enjoy the creamy foam, make the creamy foam of draft beer, or you can go to some sake bar in LKF which will shake the foam for you.If you want ice cold beer, drink it ASAP.

It is a wonderful drink when you sit outside, bloody hot, and need to drink slowly ( which is a bit logical fail, but hey, we born to make mistake.) Like BBQ restaurant, it will be wonderful! But drinking at the bar, it is totally a gimmick, which HK people like. At least, I got a funny photo, right?

Btw, last but not the least , I just found a group of  people from a rapid raise nation above Hong Kong. They dress ed an artist, like the one who paint a masterpiece.One of them was drawing with color pencils in the bar. I was like, WOW! I would like to see what he is drawing! As I do learn a bit of it, I have a bit looking forward to see what he is drawing! Water lily is the answer. Master of Tao, I cannot understand how he can feel it from a bar. Cheers.

4 則留言:

  1. I've never had frozen beer in Hong Kong but I tried it in Penang a few years back. (I think I did drink my glass in about 30 minutes... 5 minutes is too fast!!!) Like your idea of it being served at bbq restaurants! It'd be great at traditional dai pai dongstoo... :D

  2. Haha, I trained to drink cold things when cold may be lol Dai pai Dong is great idea, but the environment may be too hot for that, so you can hardly find draft beer in dai pai dong too~ Talking about draft beer, I chat with my friend and she said may be she need a draft red bull machine lol The frozen beer shop served at Bit point, just opposite of our shop! And they did serve in few more spots too~

  3. Hi again Billy --

    Thanks for the heads up re Bitpoint serving the frozen beer... Hmmmm, since the only place I go to in Lan Kwai Fong is your bar... ;b

    1. You are more than welcome, and it is my honor too! I will not stop by LKF for long too, as noone wanna stay at office once the work done. To me, whole LKF is my office lol
